Sanitary Baghouse
Evaporator Dryer Technologies’ Sanitary Baghouse provides highly efficient collection of dust and airborne powder particles from spray drying exhaust air, while the baghouse remains extremely clean. EDT’s advanced design provides superior operational efficiencies, lowers operating costs, and facilitates easy maintenance for a long functional life of the baghouse.
Advanced Design Features:
Cylindrical Housing Configuration
Eliminates square corners that cause product build-up in difficult-to-clean areas. Eliminates blockage across openings, such as an outlet or between filter bags, otherwise known as bridging. Is an efficient use of floor space.
Tangential Inlet
Located below the bagsheet for negative can velocity. The baghouse pre-separates large particles before the exhaust air penetrates the filter media. With a high inlet, the airflow between the bags is from top to bottom, thus eliminating the possibility of powder hang-up due to high can velocities.
Venturi Assembly
EDT-designed venturi assembly ensures proper bag cleaning throughout their entire length, from the very top to the bottom of the bag.
Super-Sonic Reverse Pulse-Jet Cleaning
Reduces the compressed air flow requirement for the same cleaning effect. Double-row pulse cleaning cycle results in complete bag cleaning.
Walk-in Plenum
Provides easy access to the top of the bagsheet for fast, easy installation or removal of filter bags. Bags are changed from the clean side of the bagsheet – no dusty overhead work is needed. Snap-in bag design provides for quick, easy bag change.
Cone Outlet Heating
Prevents powder from sticking inside the conical outlet which can cause condensation inside the cone.
Fire Suppression System
Built-in fire suppression using EDT liquid-activated retractable fire suppression spray nozzles.
Sanitary Dump Valve
Reduce and prevent structural damage to the building and equipment caused by equipment becoming weighted with water in the event of fire suppression activation. EDT’s sanitary dump valve is specifically designed with a powerful long stroke to freely relieve components of dousing water, therefore, preventing water collection.
Over Pressure Venting
Built-in over pressure panels for protection.
Sanitary Design
Designed in accordance to USDA Sanitary Guidelines. Can also be executed in a non sanitary design.